June 20, 2016

May 2016

This month started out with the National Day of Prayer on May 5th. Hosted in the Love & Care Ministries prayer room, local pastors, worship leaders, and many others, joined together to pray for specific topics for America. We believe that God is not done with America yet!!! We interceded for government leadership, the American Church, revival, business owners, finances and many more things. We have been asking God to intervene and have His way in our great nation, that we would be a nation shining bright on a hill for the world to see. The light inside of us, being Jesus Christ himself, shining out of us through love and honor!! 

We have noticed that as we step out, and simply love the people around us, we will see transformed lives!! We have seen this more and more here in Abilene!! This last month we had the honor of hosting a dear family that attended our first school (CB1), where God breathed more passion and desire to go back into the nations to reveal the Kingdom of God through their laid- down lives!! This family has their own non-profit and is constantly pouring out their lives to the people in Thailand!! We love them as family and were so filled with joy as we communed and celebrated their lives, and had pure, simple fun!!

This last month, we have had some incredible testimonies as we serve with Love & Care Ministries and Global Samaritan Resources!! A member of our team, Jeannette, has developed such an incredible relationship with some of the locals who live on the streets. She says "I love to serve them food, but I think it means more to them when I just go to their tables, sit, and visit with them... They have stories, and they just want someone to listen." We are learning about different ways that we can love people!! That's really the goal right?? To love as Jesus loves?

We have also had physical healings, emotional healings, and great conversations with people about how God loves them!!

We had the honor of hosting Transformation School of Supernatural Ministry (TSSM) and their graduation for this last school year. It was encouraging, fun, and refreshing to hear stories about how God restores, and strenghtens the ones he loves. It was a beautiful night full of worship, food and fun!!

Half way through the month of May, Angel and Norm had the beautiful oportunity to go and celebrate Stacey and Wesley Campbell's 30 year ministry anniversary in Kelowna, Canada. We are so thankful for the faithfulness of Stacey and Wesley and for how they have trusted God and have done community well!!! We are incredibly blessed by their hearts to breathe passion and life into others!!

We enjoyed some time getting to visit and catch up with our dear friends from Mozambique, Jimmy and Linda Read!! We are thankful for all God is doing through them to advance the Kingdom of God and manifest His goodness!!

That same weekend We had the joy of hosting a beautiful wedding for one of our dear friends and family in the Lord. It was filled with miracles, signs, wonders and the beauty of the Lord. We have had an incredible season of abundant rain in the area and on this particular day we were supposed to be hailed on and rain was forecasted to pour down... Instead, God gave us a bubble of protection around our mountain, a double rainbow, and beautiful clouds. Meanwhile, a mile down the road, there was water standing on the road, streams through trees, and quarter size hail. We were not touched. He made sure that the day was absolutely everything the bride and groom desired!! We were all in awe of his goodness not only in covenant, but how he covers the covenant with his love. It pointed all those who were present to the way that God desires the Bride of Christ which is the Church!!

Like most moves of God, there is a dream, a promise that He gives to help give us direction, after all, "He is the light to our path." God is not done with IRIS Abilene: Camp Barkeley and we are moving forward. We look forward to what God will do in 2016 as we trust Him and run the race with perseverance, "Pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God, which is Christ Jesus Himself."


July 11, 2016


February 16, 2016