February 16, 2016
It feels like spring has come early. Winter weather is mild and the budding of new seasons is being felt both in the natural and spiritual sense. January has come and gone, and if you are like us, you are probably wondering how that happened! We do praise the Lord though for a good start to the year. Relationships are growing stronger both locally and abroad, and we rejoice in all the Lord is doing. Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain (Psalm 127:1 ESV).
Expectation and excitement build as our relationship with Kaleo International deepens. This past month our leaders, Angel and Norm Poorman, had the privilege of visiting our affiliate ministry in Mexico. They joined with the Kaleo International team and Dan and Gwen Slade, International Coordinators for the Partners In Harvest Network, as guest speakers at the Catch The Fire International Leaders School of Ministry (ILSOM). It was a truly inspiring time as the windows of heaven were opened over the conference that held over 250 local pastors from the surrounding areas. Momentum during each meeting grew and culminated with a great outpouring during two open evening fire meetings. Healings, deliverances, salvations, and manifestations of His Spirit were flowing freely for all to partake. Angel and Norm have come back with renewed vision and passion for the year ahead.
January has been a busy month for us out at Camp Barkeley. We have welcomed many different church and ministry groups for retreats, times of refreshment and vision casting. It is a joy to see the land and facilities being used for Kingdom purposes and to link arms with our brothers and sisters in Christ to build connection and bless our local community. It is incredible to see how skillfully the Lord weaves us together!
The start of our Residential Missionary Initiative has begun! We have officially welcomed our first missionary who will be taking part in this program, and we are already preparing for our next missionary to join us later this month. This program is designed to provide a supportive environment for further missionary training, while growing practical skills in serving our local community physically and spiritually. Missionaries who come through this program will help with events hosted at Camp Barkeley, serve some of our local ministries here in Abilene, and minister directly to people in our local neighborhoods. In summary, they will be an extension of the Lords hands and feet, ushering in His presence and loving the ones the Lord brings across our paths.
Please pray with us as we prepare for our upcoming schools, that we will walk with diligence in stewarding all that the Lord has planned for this year. Our hearts desire is to be fully submitted to the Holy Spirit, and to walk out our lives as Jesus did, fully surrendered to the Father’s will. We pray this will be your desire too. So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise (John 5:19 ESV).