July 11, 2016

God is on the move in some miraculous ways! He is all about wanting to transform us through His love and show us the way that leads to life. This last month was quite exhilarating as we watched and stood in awe of the kindness of God, not only in our lives, but in the lives of those around us! We have seen that as we step out, God meets us... As we walk in courage, He brings His power and provision.

At one of our missionary houses, House of Hope, which is located In the nucleus of the city, we are starting to notice the rich love that God is wanting to pour out on His people. Two of our team members have dedicated their Friday mornings to walking the neighborhood, interceding, worshipping and asking God for creative ways to love the people that live there. After all, the Great Commission starts with the neighbors, right? This is their story...

"We have met some incredible people by the leading of the Holy Spirit. One day after we had visited some of our neighbors, we felt to go to a red brick building just down the street that seemed to be abandoned. We were praying and dreaming of the possibilities that we could use the building for later on in the future. As we pull up, we have an unexpected prayer request. We prayed that God would let us inside the building. As we were praying, a man, in a motorized wheel chair opens the door... It was as if it was God Himself saying, "I hear you." So we approach this man and ask Him his name and just get to know him a little.. He received us into his home and we got the opportunity to hear his story. Turns out, he has been in this wheel chair for quite some time due to falling off of a roof while he was at a job site years ago. He just got out of the hospital the day before due to a urinary infection... We shared the good news of Jesus and asked Him if we could pray.

He needed hope, he needed a renewed purpose for life.

After his caretaker had arrived (who so happened to be a spirit filled believer in Jesus), we prayed and released healing into his body. He experienced the love of his Heavenly Father and although his body has not been healed yet, the need to be loved was fulfilled. We were able to encourage him by sharing what God says about him and how important he is. We have since continued to visit him and have noticed more joy in his life.. We look forward to seeing how God is going to use him to advance the Kingdom!

That same day we went and visited another woman down the street that lives with her sister. Esther, and Mary. We were also welcomed into her home and just heard her story. We had received some words of knowledge to encourage her with and it just so happens that on this day in particular, she was "feeling heavy, and not like her normal self." As we prayed for her, the Holy Spirit filled her home and she felt the touch of God... We prayed for her back, her eyes, and other parts of her body for full restoration and healing. She is a good friend and is always invited us into home to spend quality time with her.

This month we also linked arms with some locals and first responders at a city- wide event called Stop The Violence... It was a Saturday morning dedicated to bringing awareness to those in the city about the violence, and hate that has increased. We were charged to go out and love one another as Christ has loved us.

This month we had some encouraging strategic meetings, that filled us with hope for what God wants to do in the months, and years to come.

As many of you know we are in partnership with Global Samaritan Resources here in Abilene. It is a non-profit that is dedicated to Helping people, help people. They receive and provide resources to those in need.. They have generously given us some resources that will benefit us short term and long term.

  • 420 bottles of water

  • 208 bags of chocolate covered almonds

  • 85 bottles of apple juice

  • 27 bottles of cranberry juice

  • Book for our Iris base

We will be able to use these items as we minister those on the streets and bless our neighbors.. We are thankful for the generosity and the seeds of kindness sown through Global Samaritan. We know that God will continue to give to them in abundantly greater ways than ever before.

Like most moves of God, there is a dream, a promise that He gives to help give us direction, after all, "He is the light to our path." God is not done with IRIS Abilene: Camp Barkeley and we are moving forward. We look forward to what God will do in 2016 as we trust Him and run the race with perseverance, "Pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God, which is Christ Jesus Himself."


August 23, 2016


June 20, 2016