February 28, 2018
This month we asked one of our Iris Abilene Leaders to share about how her time has been at Iris Abilene, and about how God is moving in some areas where she serves. Below is Jeannette’s testimony. We pray that this encourages you to press in, and pursue God more today, than you ever have before.
“My time at Iris Abilene has shown me the importance of going low and slow and to be still and listen to the Holy Spirit and obey His leading. Sometimes we as Christians jump to do things because it is a good thing. But what I have learned that a good thing is not always the right thing to do. We can get distracted in doing good but miss what God had plan for us all the time. What I deeply appreciate about Papa God, is when I have missed it and admit it to Him, He forgives me. He is gracious and kind to give me instructions on how to get back on the right path.
One of the ministries that I serve at is Global Samaritan Resources. Every Thursday I pray with the Prayer Pastor of Global. It's a precious time and the presence of God manifests in a beautiful manner. We have prayed prayers of agreement and seen God move financially, relationally, and Spiritually in the ministry and the lives of the partners and staff. Several weeks ago, the board members called partners and asked them if they want to share any prayer requests. They shared, and the board members gave them to us to pray over. Julie, an employee at Global, called the partners to tell them we prayed, and the partners shared many praise reports.
I also serve at Love and Care Ministries. Recently, I was agreeing in prayer for a volunteer who was going to have surgery to remove an aneurysm on his spine. He had a successful surgery and is doing well. THANK YOU JESUS! When I serve, I ask Jesus to be Himself through me so that when people in need walk into the Food Pantry at Love and Care, they feel His presence and love. I give out Bibles and lots of encouraging words and prayer. I have been planting a lot of seeds. I have not seen manifestations of healing yet, but I am confident that God’s love is unconditional and good.”
Visit with Austin Disaster Relief Network
February 1st, we traveled to Austin, TX with a small team to visit with Executive Director, Daniel Geraci, of Austin Disaster Relief Network. We shared testimonies about what God has been doing in Iris Relief on deployments and in possible future endeavors. He also discussed systems of operation, and how they collaborate with churches and leadership in cities.
Christian Values Summit, Eastland Texas
February 1st- 2nd, we traveled from Austin to Eastland, TX to attend the Christian Values Summit. This conference was both encouraging and refreshing as we sat under the teachings of multiple government officials, those fighting social injustice, and the District Attorney of Dallas. During this time, Norm, Angel, & Paul met with Doug and Lisa Stringer who are the Founders of Somebody Cares International based out of Houston, TX. SCI is a network of organizations with a defined goal to impact communities through unified grassroots efforts. They specialize in Leadership Growth & Development, Discipleship, and Crisis Response.
Puerto Rico Relief Efforts
Paul Cull arrived in San Juan in the afternoon of the 7th. The following day, some local partners took him to see some of the devastation from Hurricane Maria, and he prepared a report for the Secretary of Education about the Teen CERT program, as interest had been expressed in running this in all the high schools on the island.
On the Monday and Tuesday our connection in Puerto Rico, Mark, arranged a total of five meetings with numerous pastors. These men and women represented a network of 250 churches, a denomination with 76 local churches and several theological seminaries. There was great interest expressed in the possibility of our training instructors who could then teach the CERT course in local churches throughout the island, possibly for as many as 5,000 residents or more. These trainers could also help teach the Teen CERT course in the local high school, if this opportunity were to be available in the future.
The pastors were very interested in the idea of using the CERT course training both as a means of preparing the churches and communities to better respond to future disasters and emergencies, as well as for the psychological and emotional benefits that the survivors receive when undertaking this training during the recovery phase of a major disaster.
Angel also visited the island later this month. She attended a forum on February 16th hosted by Somebody Cares International to discuss training, strategic outreach, and recovery efforts. Other organizations attending the forum include: Red Cross, Samaritan’s Purse, FEMA, Somebody Cares, Iris Relief. Angel also met with Seeds of Hope Founders (Penny & Chris Williams out of Costa Rica) and other pastors to collaborate and establish a ‘Lighthouse’ for afterschool programs, feeding programs, and to bring missionaries to serve the local community.
TESTIMONY: While in Puerto Rico, Angel and the team connected with a local pastor who had not yet received power, in an area where most other residents and businesses have. This pastor and his church, despite not having electricity, had been serving His community and meeting his neighbors needs since Hurricane Maria. Angel and the team were so touched by His testimony, they immediately began to pray for God to bring back their electricity. Angel took a picture of this electric pole just outside of the church. Immediately when they began praying for God to provide, an electric company truck hauling transformer, drove by. That was the very thing that this pastor needed. Without hesitation, Angel began to chase after this truck yelling “STOP!!”. Immediately the taillights lit up and the truck began to reverse. Angel talked to these electric company workers and requested two transformers.
They ended up putting in two transformers that evening, running new wires, and a couple of days later, Angel received a text message from that pastor saying that their church had received electricity again for the first time since Hurricane Maria! Wow. All this pastor could do is worship and thank God, and he is now sharing His testimony to encourage others on the island.
eam Freedom Weekend
This month, our Iris Abilene Team had the opportunity and privilege to receive from Shelli Presley at what is called “Freedom Weekend.” She shared with us 5 teachings that gave greater revelation of the Father’s love for us, and His desire to see us walking in the fullness. She shared about the Grace Cycle, the Father’s Heart, Believing God, and other topics. It was truly impactful for our team!
That same weekend we invited a dear friend based out of the Fort Worth Texas¸ Brenda Harkins, to Camp Barkeley. She facilitated teachings and very interesting group discussions with our team about the Gallup Strength Finders Assessment. This was so encouraging to each of us as we discussed each person’s strengths, and weaknesses when it comes to relationships, leadership, and living life with Jesus. We will never be the same!!
Word Over Abilene
We are so thankful to be part of a community here in Abilene that desires, pursues, and values unity in the Body of Christ. Camp Barkeley was used as the host location to livestream a prayer over the city of Abilene, and surrounding areas, facilitated by Beltway Park senior pastor, David McQueen. He shared about how Camp Barkeley was used to train men in War World II and how God desires that we would be trained to do the works of the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Corporately, we prayed for the Kingdom of God to be manifested here on Earth, and for the power of God to prevail.
Be encouraged, stand for your cities! God is moving here in Abilene. To listen to the prayer over Abilene, you can visit this link: https://www.facebook.com/beltwaypark/videos/10155529466053924/
1. Iris Relief Leaders School June 10th- August 11th
Become an Advanced Certified Disaster Response Missionary: We want to invite you to come attend our Iris Relief Leaders School. The school is this summer at Iris Abilene: Camp Barkeley. The purpose of the school is to train and equip Certified Responders to bring the hope and love of Jesus to others in times of crisis.
Iris Relief is a recognized international relief organization. This distinction allows us to send teams, as first responders, to minister in the power and love of the Holy Spirit. Come, be a part of our Iris Family.
For any questions, contact our team at abilene@irisglobal.org
For more information please visit http://irisabilene.org
To apply, please visit http://www.irisglobal.org/missions/harvest/iris-relief-leaders-school
2. Restoring the Foundations September 23rd- October 17th
It has been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only four seconds without hope.
Restoring the Foundations (RTF) provides hope for healing, freedom from life’s deepest struggles, and renewed purpose for living through a personal experience with God’s transforming, empowering love.
Camp Barkeley Training and Equipping Center is offering an extended training intensive for healing and deliverance featuring Restoring the Foundations Issue-Focused Ministry training and Thorough Format Ministry training in a four-week block of time.
For any questions, contact our team at rtf@campbarkeley.com
For more information & application please visit campbarkeley.rtftraining.org