April 11, 2018

Family Update March 2018


This month we have experienced the love and goodness of God in so many ways! As some of you know, we were getting ready to plan for our next training school taking place this summer 2018 in Texas at Camp Barkeley. God had other plans. Throughout the last couple of months, some of our team have been traveling to Puerto Rico and Latin America to help bring Relief, and solar powered lights to those who are in need. Some amazing testimonies were told during these trips.

While on these amazing trips, our team connected and created relationships with other brothers and sisters in Christ who share a similar passions, vision, and values with us. We continued to cultivate these relationships and stay connected. After much prayer, petition, and seeking council, we have moved the location of the Iris Relief Training School to Puerto Rico. We will also be partnering with Kabod International in Belize for an extended outreach the last two weeks of the training. Students and staff will have opportunities to share, and train local pastors and leaders with the same tools they received in disaster response, missions, and freedom ministry. We are very excited and look forward to all the amazing testimonies that will come of this!!

This month, our team hit the streets of Abilene!

Together we met in downtown Abilene, had a time of prayer, and asked God to show us who he wanted us to talk to and share the love of Jesus (The real answer: EVERYONE.) Some of our team had words of knowledge, like different tattoos, colors of clothes, style of hair, injuries, or past hurts. While we were definitely paying attention to these words, we also postured our hearts in a manner of just wanting to share with everyone... Our team was ready and willing to share the love of Jesus.

We split up into two teams, and started walking. Some of us went to the movie theatre or coffee shop. Others traveled to bars, or art studios.

One story we recorded was of a young woman, 20's, who was working at a coffee shop. The moment our team entered the business, God highlighted her. As we began to share, she was starting to feel a little uneasy. She had told our team that nobody ever shared Jesus with her, or even prayed with her.(We are in the "bible belt". Church on every corner.) One of our team members had heard from God that she was having nightmares, and that God wanted to restore her sleep. She exclaimed "I have not been able to sleep for weeks because of this. I have been exhausted. PLEASE PRAY." She was deeply touched and was very grateful that we had shared with her that God loves her, and cares for her. She did not want to follow Jesus, but was very moved by the kindness we showed her.

While walking back to the parking lot, we were sharing testimonies within our team and found out that two others on our team had shared words of knowledge with the SAME GIRL! Encouraging her to chase after her big dreams, and release her creativity.

Our hearts were encouraged by the many other stories that came from this time and we look forward to going out together again this month!!

Iris Relief Leaders School June 10th- August 11th


Become an Advanced Certified Disaster Response Missionary

We will be offering a 9 week Iris Relief Training from the dates of June 10th- August 11th. weeks in Puerto Rico, 2 weeks in Belize. The purpose of the school is to train and equip those interested in becoming Certified Responders with Iris Relief to bring the hope and love of Jesus to others in times of crisis.

Graduates of the Iris Relief Leaders School receive a Crisis and Disaster Mission Certification which includes:

• Iris Relief Level 3 Responders Certification

• Deployed Disaster Spiritual Care Provider Certification

• CERT Team Leader Certification

• First Care Instructor Certification

For any questions, contact our team at abilene@irisglobal.org

Restoring the Foundations Training September 23rd -- October 17th

It has been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only four seconds without hope. Restoring the Foundations (RTF) provides hope for healing, freedom from life’s deepest struggles, and renewed purpose for living through a personal experience with God’s transforming, empowering love.

Camp Barkeley Training and Equipping Center is offering an extended training intensive for healing and deliverance featuring Restoring The Foundations Issue-Focused Ministry training and Thorough Format Ministry training in a four-week block of time.

For any questions, contact our team at rtf@campbarkeley.com


August 22, 2018


February 28, 2018